Hi guys,

here's my blog for everyone who is interested in my next 4 months :) . I will try to keep you updated about my time in India; especially Mumbai.
So far I planned to be back in Berlin on December 20, until then: enjoy and don't do anything stupid while I'm gone ;)

Sonntag, 12. September 2010

Agra and Varanasi

After Jaipur we took the train to Agra at 6:00 in the morning. In Agra we only had one day to have a look at the Taj Mahal before we had to take our train to Varanasi. And because we thought one day is soooo much time (our train was supposed to leave at 23:30) we did some other sightseeing before the Taj.... big mistake. First of all: we were tired from getting up early, being on the train and the heat, and secondly: we've already done sooo much sightseeing the days before that we neither felt like spending more money on old buildings nor did we really wanna see more old buildings. Only the Taj, because at least thats one of the Seven Wonders of the World. And also the other things are nice, buttt well. Not amazing.
And if one of you ever gets to the Taj Mahal, then only really pay the entrance fee, if you really have time to spend some time in there, because all non-indians pay like 36times as much as the indians: instead of 20RU 750RU. Ridiculous. And also: well the Taj is nice and stuff but.. ja. Dunno. 750 RU for going inside, saying "wow", taking pictures and going outside again is just way too much. The last 4 hours we spent in a restaurant.

Sleeping the the train from Agra to Varanasi was easier than expected: I just fell asleep ;) I was so tired that I didn't mind the smell, the bright lights, the noise or the movement of the train. When I woke up we only had like four more hours to Varanasi and arrived with only 3 hours delay.
Varanasi is a sacred pilgrim's city...they want to die here to exit the ever lasting circle of reincarnation. Since they burn the dead bodies at the Ghats of the Ganges you see funeral piles all over the Ghats and smoke and stuff....
Well and now we're sitting here on the rooftop of our hostel and do nothing but relaxing :)
Tomorrow we wanna get a massage somewhere...

2 Kommentare:

  1. Almost 2 weeks without any news? What's happening over there? Are you alright?

  2. haha now you forgot to update again julie!!
